Monday, August 6, 2012


Howdy folks,

Firstly a big thanks to all of you who have laughed along with the beginnings of Minions.  Starting a comic definitely had some ominous foreboding clouds hanging over it... will people read it?  will it miss the mark so badly that people go off their food?  Gladly the feedback says otherwise.

So where to from here?  Well now that the basic premise of the story has unfolded, our 2 buds Steve and Marty have been introduced.  So from here, be on the lookout for new characters and story lines, and be sure to tell your family, friends, pet hamster, café owner and co-workers about Minions.  Once the reader base increases enough, I'm also planning on creating a reader-directed "Choose Your Own Adventure" sub-story line for a bit of fun.

For those interested, the colour scheme I've chosen for this comic is the standard EGA palette along with 320x240 pixels per frame.  What's the significance of this?  I grew up playing games with CGA, EGA and VGA graphics, most of which in 320x240 resolution.  In case you're not quite the geek that I clearly am, these were the early days of computer game graphics.  Drawing anything during this time was difficult, particularly as nobody had the great graphics tools that we now have to make the job easier.  For Minions, I could have used a VGA palette of 256 colours, also known as "8 bit" to the retro crowd.  However 256 colours just didn't pose a big enough challenge.  EGA however has a palette of only 64 colours, and let me tell you it's quite a challenge to put them to use!

Thanks for reading, until next time.


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